
Tax Deductions - What's Deductible?

Business owners often ask, "What can I deduct on my tax return?" Greg discusses what is tax deductible, and one item that never is …


Just Because Someone You Know Did It On Their Taxes,

Doesn't Make It Right! …


How many trees we can save if clients will accept digital copies of tax returns...

We've been talking about going green for a very long time. …

Greg talking and Shelby performing sign language

Tax Season Readiness

Covid Virus Pandemic…


The Difference between Business and Personal Use

Whether something is purchased for your business or for personal use makes a big difference in your finances and taxes …


Meet Roscoe

Greg's hound dog …


Automobile Expenses as a Tax Deduction

Whether for business, charitable or medical purposes, the mileage deduction is still very valuable …


Greg Cook Discusses Tax Breaks

Bush and Obama changes to the tax code back in 2009. …


Taking a break from home schooling ...

The Pandemic of 2020 has been difficult for everyone, especially the children. Pam and I got to spend more time, not less, with our …