• Gregory J. Cook, EA, CPA
Founder Bio

Army Veteran

Greg Cook was born in Cullman, Alabama and graduated from Hanceville High School in 1978. Before going to college, he served a six year term with the Army (two years active duty and four years inactive duty) during the Lebanon and Grenada conflicts.

Greg Cook

Following his discharge from the service, he pursued his education in accounting. After graduating from Wallace State Community College, Greg came to BARA in 1986. While working at BARA as a Co-op student, Greg received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Enrolled Agent, licensed by the U.S. Treasury Department

After passing the Enrolled Agents Exam in September of 1990, Greg received his Certificate of Enrollment and U.S. Treasury Card.

Accredited Tax Advisor

In early 1991, the Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation conferred the title of Accredited Tax Advisor to him.

Certified Public Accountant

Greg became the first Enrolled Agent in the State of Alabama to hold both the EA and CPA designations after successfully writing the Certified Public Accountants Examination in November of 1993.

Chartered Global Management Accountant

In 2014 Cook was awarded the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation from the American Institute of CPAs and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.


Greg Cook is a member of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) and Past President of the Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents (ALSEA) 2000-2002. He served on the ALSEA Board of Directors for 20 years, (1995-1999 and 2003-2017). Greg is also a Past President of the Alabama Association of Accountants 2003-2004.

He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA), and a member of the Alabama and Tennessee State Boards of Accountancy. He has written numerous articles on the subject of taxation and has been published in such national magazines as the EA Journal.

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Greg Cook, EA, CPA Accredited Tax Advisor desk plate
Greg Cook

Gregory J. Cook, EA, CPA

Accredited Tax Advisor

Firm History

In December 1994, Greg purchased the practice from retiring founder, Al LaGrone. Due to state regulations governing Greg's CPA license, the firm name was changed from Bara Business Service to Cook & LaGrone.

LaGrone continued work with the firm until his death in March 1996. State regulations required that the LaGrone name be dropped from the firm two years after his death, so in 1998 the firm was registered as Cook and Company.


Greg and his wife Pamela Williams Cook have four adult children, Summer, Chris, Holleigh and Kimberly. Greg and Pam built their home on five acres on Shoal Creek Trail between Main Street and the Arab City Park back in 2008.

Greg Cook is a 32nd Degree member of the Scottish Rite, a Life member of Masonic Lodge 636 and a Shriner, member of the Cahaba Shrine in Huntsville, Alabama. He served as Impresario of the Royal Order of Jesters, Huntsville Court 175 from 1997 to 2017.

Greg Cook, EA, CPA, Accredited Tax Advisor

A Favorite Quote from Robert Frost

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Excerpt from: The Road Not Taken

Greg Cook

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability.

We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.
Gregory J. Cook, EA, CPA

What do you do in your spare time?

What spare time? No seriously, I spend a good deal of my off-hours time learning and applying techniques to enhance usability and security of my computer network.
My business and livlihood rely on technology and I have a tremendous financial investment in software and hardware. I actually enjoy working with the various tools that I've deployed in my business.
Since 2018, I've been restoring an old Harley-Davidson Heritage Springer that was left in a barn for twenty years. The motorcycle had only 1,910 miles on the odometer when I bought it.
data security with biometrics

BARA.NET and the Secure Environment

Employees enter the building through a biometric system which allows access only during strict business hour schedules.
Gregory J. Cook, EA, CPA

Solving Problems for Clients

People accumulate the documents they need at filing time, but if they need to locate those papers two years later, good luck! We scan those docs and retain offsite backups for the client.
Greg administering computer network

Greg is his own Network Administrator

From May 2006 through August 2008 I phased out the Novell servers and transitioned entirely to Microsoft.

Greg's Podcast

This podcast is meant to be more helpful than entertaining. If you have an Amazon device, just say "Alexa, play Cook and Company Tax Advisors' Podcast."

Tax Credits

Buying a Clean Vehicle doesn't have to be about saving the planet, saving money or even just because your nine-year-old granddaughter has you wrapped around her finger.

What is success?

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson