tax season 2021

The 2021 Tax Filing Season is Well Under Way

Monday February 1st kicked off our ten-week tax season and we are off to a very busy start.

Our office hours change temporarily from Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, to our Extended Tax Season Hours of Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturdays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. As a reminder, we schedule in-office visits at 9, 10 and 11 in the mornings. Afternoon appointments are available at 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the hour. And Monday through Friday we can schedule evening appointments at 6 and 7 pm.

Our first week of the 2021 season began with 658 telephone calls!

phone traffic
293 Incoming Calls and 365 Outgoing Calls

Tax Law Changes

There are too many changes, additions and deletions to the tax laws to summarize in my Sunday Morning Report here. I promise to devote an article to the tax law changes in the coming days. This morning I want to address important issues related to the Covid Virus and changes that the pandemic has precipitated at the office.

Send One Designated Person (if you can)

Your safety and that of my employees is my number one concern always. If you do not have a face mask, a new medical grade disposable mask will be provided. You may remove the mask while seated in your meeting with 6 ft. distance and plexi-glass dividers in place. We conduct contact-less temperature scan.

Portal, Mail or Drop-Off Encouraged

Greg has installed acrylic screen divider panels on countertops and desktops to provide a protective barrier shield for coughing, sneezing and droplets. If you will get your documents to us through one of the methods listed above, we can limit your time and exposure in the office. And alternatively, avoid a trip to the office altogether.

Latest Technology in Fighting Airborne Bacteria Deployed

Cook & Co. Tax Advisors has adopted the latest technology in fighting airborne bacteria and viruses as I recently purchased and installed not one, but two Illuvia systems (Lobby & Tax Department) by Aerobiotix, a unique technology which utilizes ultraviolet energy to eliminate airborne pathogens. These are medical grade systems normally deployed in hospitals.

Our New Portal is Faster, More Secure & Provides Long-Term Storage

If you have been using our portal in the past, watch for an email with a link to re-register. If you would like to take advantage of the portal, call or email to request access. It’s very user friendly. New features include; both spouses can have access to a joint account, business owners can change between personal and business (even multiple businesses) and you can add additional employees to the business and they won’t have access to the business owner’s personal files.

We Are Reserving the 9:00 am Time Slots For Those At Highest Risk

If you are considered “high risk” for the Covid-19 virus due to pre-existing health conditions but want to schedule an in-office visit, please make your appointment at 9:00 am.

As a reminder, it is faster, easier and more convenient to schedule your appointment online rather than by phone. Try it by clicking or tapping here!

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