What a Week!
Thursday morning began with snowfall here in Arab, Alabama, which is a rarity. The roads were clear and everyone exercised caution.
We started off the week with a high temperature of 49° and each day thereafter the temperature decreased, reaching only 23° as the high on Thursday. We even saw some light snow on two separate occasions. Thursday and Friday mornings we had an issue with one of the four heating units, thanks to Page Bros. Heating & Cooling the minor issue was resolved and we stayed warm and cozy.

Telephone Traffic – 895 Calls!
We received 414 incoming telephone calls and made 481 outgoing calls during the week. As a reminder, if you need to schedule an appointment, please use our easy and secure online scheduler.

This young man asked me if I remembered the time two years ago when he drew a Spider Man for me. Of course I do, and I still have that drawing!

young man proposed marriage at tax office!

We’ve Prepared 687 Tax Returns to Date!
Mid-February at the tax filing office is a whirlwind of activity. The moment the doors swing open, a steady stream of clients—some anxious, some impatient, others just eager to get their refunds—begin pouring in. The waiting area is filled with the rustling of paperwork, the tapping of fingers on phone screens, and the occasional frustrated sigh as taxpayers double-check their documents.
At this pace, we are on track to file 2,170 tax returns …

Until Next Sunday …
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