office closes 5 pm

After Closing at 5, Our Office will be Closed the Balance of This Week

We will reopen Monday April 25th at 9:00 am.

Today we will be filing extensions and getting vouchers and other documents to clients. We do not file tax returns today, as we will not be back in the office until Monday April 25th. It generally takes 24 to 48 hours to receive the Acknowledgement of Acceptance of electronically filed returns and should a tax return Reject for any reason, we would be unable to address in a timely manner.

As of Saturday, we had successfully filed 2,080 tax returns. It takes a dedicated staff to achieve numbers like that at a small firm. We all put off personal things that need our attention during this ten-week filing season and the next four days will afford an opportunity to hopefully catch up with home and family matters that need our attention.

As a Reminder… an Extension Gives You Until October 15th to File

But the extension is an extension of time to file, not an extension of time to pay. When you eventually file your return, if you owe a balance due with the filing, the IRS will assess interest on the payment from April 18th until the date it is paid. Also, if you are due a refund when you file, the IRS will not penalize you if you failed to file the extension.

If you need to send a payment today, I encourage you to do it electronically if possible.

Our local Post Office closes at 4:30 pm today. I recall a time when the Post Offices would remain open until midnight in order to postmark filings and payments for people. There would be a long line of people at many of the postal locations.

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